Impact is our bottom line 

And we see it everyday. It's the three year old twins who were too weak to crawl, but are now learning to stand. It's the woman who was didn't understand basic arithmetic, and is now running her own business. And it's the employees who are using their stable income to build their own homes, educate their children, and save for the future. These are the moments we know: it's working. We try to share as many of these stories as we can over at our blog. However, we also gather data, images and testimonials to track impact in three categories:  


Caregiver Exam scores

On the first day a caregiver enters into the program, they are given an exam to test their knowledge of health, nutrition and sanitation. They are given the same test on the last day of the program. Below, you can see the difference our education program makes based on a 25 person sample. Let's just say, these numbers speak for themselves. 


After completing their final exam, the women are asked two questions: how did this program help you? and what dreams do you have for your child? Here are a few of their answers. 

Ready to join our team of change makers?